Monday, March 1, 2010

My cat.

I have an orange cat named Tibby. Tibby is a boy cat, we thought he was a girl at first, hence the girl name. But we soon changed his name to Mr. Tibbs to make it sound more legit. He's really just Tibby though. (we thought his sister was a boy so named her Sven...there's no getting away with that name for a girl...but we kept it anyway).

Tibby is a rather special cat, as most orange cats are. They have a unique personality, they're a little bit crazy and tend to have that dumb blond thing down well. I love my Tibby, I do, but do you ever just get frustrated with a cat because they won't listen? Dogs will learn not to do something, they know when you're mad at them. But cats, oh no, they just think it hilarious when they're annoying you and keep at it!

Tibby has started this new fascination with my hair! Well its not NEW, but it just started in the past couple years (he's about 7). One day he suddenly noticed that my hair was the longest in the family, and not only that but its a super fun toy!!! He can bat at it and bite it and pull it out, oh the hours of enjoyment this can provide! I'm not a fan of this discovery. I often will wake up in the middle of the night to a little orange face in mine and paws frantically digging for my hair! I have learned, however, to get him to stop biting my hair and playing with it, I just need to feed him some canned kitty food. He'll happily eat and pretend like nothing ever happened between us, then go sleep for a few more hours because his little kitty tummy is full.

But can you ever stay mad at your cat whom you love like a child? no. Of course not! We go through this hair routine everyday and yet I love him. He's so cute when I throw his little mouse toys into the air and he catches them then throws them back at me! He's so cute when he's in a nice cuddly mood and just wants to sit on my lap. And he's even cute when he's hunting me down in my own house just so he can grab a hold of my hair with his cat jaws of life and never let go!