Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Jenny/Curtis Project: Day 2

Cheesy crepes with prosciutto, kalamata olives and sundried tomatoes. yes please.

I was pretty excited to makes crepes because I never have before but have always wanted to. I've always been kinda scared or daunted at the thought of making them though, they seem like it'd be super hard! But they totally weren't, it was way easier than I thought, and they came out PERFECT!!!

I substituted Curtis' crepe recipe for a gluten free one from Pamela's Products, it was a great recipe! I was pretty surprised, some times gluten free recipes aren't the best, but this one turned out perfect! Anyway without further ado, here is my dinner!

here's what it supposed to looked like when all is said and done

sorry this one won't rotate for just turn your head to see it right. :)

I didn't do any dessert tonight because I just made cookies yesterday and crepes were a big enough project to take on by themselves!

I'd like to say one last thing. Dear Curtis, you are amazing. 


Heather said...

this makes me hungry! looks good!