Saturday, March 6, 2010


I've had such a nice weekend already. Last night I got to have dinner with 3 of my best friends, and then this afternoon we all had brunch together (plus some more people). It's amazing how when you're lucky enough to get to see you're friends often you take for granted how nice it is to just sit and chat for hours and hours! I miss it so much, I really only get to see my friends a couple times a month now since moving, so I just enjoy it so so much when am I am with my girls. 

I can't wait until this Fall when (hopefully) I'll be moving back into Seattle (if everything goes according to planned, not that there really is much of a plan). I miss being in the city and near friends that we can just call each other up and pop over to one another's places with out having to make it a big whole day thing. 

And its so nice to just talk, about everything, and anything! How stupid boys are, how much we love that meal we made last week and you should totally try it, how work is going, that funny person you saw downtown the other day and oh no way I think I've seen him before on that corner how weird, memories of years ago, how dumb your land lord is and what housing prices currently are and where the best areas to live are, the new diet choices your making and oh my gosh how much you love cheese, what your favorite ice cream flavor is or why cake is the best dessert ever but you soooo need to try that pie I made a couple weeks ago...

You can be totally yourself with your girlfriends, more so than even with family. If you say something stupid we all just laugh about it. If you're talking about something serious you all know it and don't take it lightly. You give advice and take advice, you listen and you hear each other. My friends are my family and I love them dearly.