Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Officially plastic free in the shower!

I meant to tell you all that this weekend I finally used up the last of my shampoo in a bottle and that I am now officially not using any bottles in the shower anymore! woo hoo! And I love love love using all natural products, it just makes me feel better, and my hair is shiny and pretty and its great! The last thing I will need to find is a solid lotion bar once my lotion bottle is out, and if I can I want to find some sort of baby oil in a glass bottle. Anyway I thought I'd tell you where all of my products have come from, I have gotten almost all of them from Etsy! So heres the list!

Shampoo is the Rosemary peppermint bar from Dress Green

Conditioner is the conditioner that rolls from Get Lathered

Face cleanser is the Blemish buster bar with sea buckthorn oil from Sudsy Soap DuSoleil

My body soap is just from Burt's Bees, I use the Milk and Shea butter bar. And you know whats way cool about their soaps? The paper its wrapped in is made from like stone powder or some crazy thing like that so you can't recycle it but when you throw it away it is totally biodegradable! yay!

And my hand soap in the house is just a natural bar soap I found at Target.

I'm really excited about using all natural products and not using nearly as much packaging! I've read that on average a single American throws away 520 POUNDS in just packaging alone in a year! Thats just packaging! I haven't figured out how much less I will be using now, but I felt that a lot of waste comes from all the bathroom products packaging, everything comes in plastic bottles! yuck! Also, my shower is WAY more organized now, I don't bottles falling all over me every time I take a shower! So anyway, I'm enjoying doing this, and hope to find some more ways to cut back on more packaging in my life!


Whitney said...


Lush has solid body butters: http://www.lushusa.com/shop/products/body/body-butters/

I like King of Skin. You just use it in the shower.

They also have these massage bars: http://www.lushusa.com/shop/products/body/massage-bars/

Fun stuff.

Ashlee said...

YAYYY! Very cool! H & I are on empty with hair stuff, we may have to head over to Etsy instead of stopping at Target tomorrow.