Friday, December 18, 2009

A Steaming Cup of...Tea?

I know I've said before how much I love tea, but I just felt the need to blog about my love for it again. I have at least one cup every morning. It's become a necessity for me, much like coffee is for most people. Coffee is too much for me, I get jumpy and can't sit still and jittery and then it makes me stomach sick and I then I go into a low after my coffee high and need a nap; its bad.  But tea is just enough caffeine to get me going and give me a little jolt in the morning.

My fave tea is Murrough's Welsh Brew. Oh its so nummy! I just drink it black. mmm.

Ok well anyway, that's my silly little blog this morning. Go find this tea and enjoy!!!

(p.s. the only place mom and I can buy it is Amazon, no stores ever carry it, sad face.)