Saturday, August 1, 2009

I'm bored.

Life is beginning to get stuck in a rut already. I hate my job and I'm doing school and that's it. bleh. I mean don't get me wrong I'm super happy to be in grad school finally and to be moving forward that way, but I feel like I just don't do anything anymore. Probably because classes are all online so I like never leave the freaking house. I need something fun in life besides just school and my few days of work which lets face it right now aren't very fun. Maybe next semester classes will be better and I'll actually start enjoying school, I spose that could make a difference huh?

I'm reading Julie and Julia right now and it's starting to inspire me, not to cook the entire contents of one of Julia Childs cook books, but just to actually start doing something like that for a year. Idk. I just feel like I need something else in life right now. This also could be the hormones talking's pms week....which let's face is never a good week and makes any girl morose. oi vay.