Monday, March 23, 2009

What I've been learning...

Lately I've been learning how to truly give my heart to God and how to let him be enough for me. I don't know why it's so hard to do that when you know how awesome it is to have his love fill you, but everyday it's a struggle to give him my heart and let him love me! I think Satan likes to tell me that the love I long for can only be satisfied by a man, and I know it's not true but sometimes it feels that way. And then I'm like what the heck! That is so not true, what have I been thinking?? And I have to start all over with God. But that's another thing I've learnt, God is always there, waiting patiently for us. It's pretty amazing. It's still hard though when you crave a romantic love and all these people around you have found it but you haven't. You can't help but wonder why. And then I go back to God and know that it's not time yet, he still has more to teach me. And in the future when I do have that love I so crave it'll be so much richer because of what I'll have already learned! I won't be relying on a man to satisfy my heart, because that will never work, only God will! My mom and I were talking and she was saying how it's awesome that I've been learning this because in the future I won't look to a man or to children or anyone but God to fill that emptyness in my heart. Only God can fill it, and once you know that and have that figured out your relationships with friends and family are so much stronger. Those were just my thoughts this morning and thought I'd share.